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How a Vegan Diet May Help Prevent Long-Term Health Conditions

Iris Myers

Travelling as a vegan – six do's and don'ts

Exploring the world is an opportunity to have incredible new experiences, gaze upon magical sights and meet extraordinary people. But as someone who lives with a considerably modern and sometimes restricting diet, it can also be a challenge.

Veganism is a lifestyle that is certainly growing in popularity, but depending on where you travel, it’s still a somewhat alien concept to many. Here we take a look at the top do’s and don’ts when travelling as a vegan, to help you sustain yourself as you uncover those distant horizons.


Plan ahead

Firstly, the best way to ensure you are headed somewhere that’s able to cater for your culinary needs is to plan ahead. There are many countries such as Bali, India, Brazil, Greece and China where finding vegan cafes and restaurants is a breeze. If you’re able, try to stick to travelling to places where veganism is popular.

Use vegan apps

If you’re backpacking with a ‘wherever the wind takes us’ approach, it’s still possible to find vegan dineries in more remote areas with the use of technology. There are a number of useful apps specifically designed for vegans to aid you on your travels. From locating vegan-friendly restaurants to translating ingredient lists, and even playing an audio definition of veganism in the local language, these apps come in extremely handy.

Learn a little of the local language

Of course, it’s not wise to rely solely on technology, so be sure to learn a few key phrases in the most common language of where you’re headed. If you find yourself out of data range or low on battery, being able to say, ‘No meat, no fish, no dairy’ may be the difference between finding something hearty to eat and having to settle for a fruit platter.


Expect to have options at every restaurant

In some countries, the people simply have little concept of what veganism means. Remember to always stay respectful and do your best to explain to your server exactly what you can and cannot eat. Don’t expect them to automatically know, and bear in mind that you’re unlikely to find decent vegan options in every restaurant.


When visiting the far corners of the world, our eyes are opened to many different ways of life. Especially in countries such as Argentina, France and Norway, the vast majority of people see eating meat as a necessity. Always stay respectful of other cultures and remember that you are simply a visitor passing through.

Forget digestive aids

There’s nothing worse than an upset tummy when you want to be out and about. Don’t forget to pack some natural remedies such as ginger tablets, probiotics, fennel and herbal teas to aid bloating and digestive upset on your travels.

Enjoy your travels

By planning ahead and choosing your destinations wisely you’re sure to have a great time travelling as a vegan. Be sure to make good use of apps and expand your language skills a little to aid you on your way, and always keep an open mind.


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